Deena Ravi Thinakaran (India)

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Deena Ravi Thinakaran is a Hong Kong girl with Indian lineage. Even though she got a traditional Indian women’s appearance, her inter- heart or even thoughs was modern.

Although her outward appearance has no different with the traditional India’s women, her personality contains a great different with that conservation image. She has a unidue perspective toward the issue of India’s women freedom of marriage as she thinks the only way for the middle- age women to gain more freedoms or even opporunities is to marry a man who respect your own though.  According to India, the local customs, some woman were required tomarried a man with same faith and need to be permitted by their parents. In simple terms, the right for women to choose a spouse are ignored, everything is determined by their parents. She believes that Indian women should be liberated in the traditional concept of marriage in order to seek a better future.


Written by Ng Wan Ki