Category Archives : 1000.Ecuador

Nela Martínez Espinosa (Ecuador)

Then, I knew that by beating the ripened wheat and harvesting the grain, we would be capable of milling our flour, baking our bread and giving ourselves a banquet in memory of our true history.” A world fighter for peace, against military dictatorships and imperialism. She turned her indignation into a campaign for the human […]


Nelsa Libertad Curbelo Cora (Ecuador)

“Flowers are grown in manure, not in diamonds.” Nelsa Curbelo lives in Ecuador since 1970. She has been a key player in the fight for indigenous rights, a pacifist leader for non-violence and a mediator engaged in finding a solution to national and international armed conflicts. In 1999, she founded Peace for Living Together, an […]



Blanca Campoverde (Ecuador)

We can only contribute to the peace in the world with human qualities.” This year, she will complete 50 years of life. Thirty of them were spent educating the children of underprivileged classes. Blanca Campoverde, early orphan and adolescent mother, came from a poor family. Now she is one of the most important figures in […]