Priyanka Chakma (Bangladesh)




Priyanka Chakma presently working in a national leadership building platform in Dhaka also focal person of Networking, SPaRC


One day right after leaving my office and heading towards rickshaw shop to travel home. Two teenagers who were younger than me were following me just behind and teasing me saying “4 foot, 4 foot”. I waited for a while but they kept saying the same thing over and over. I turned around and walked up to one of them and slapped him and said “See. I can still reach you”(even if I am 4 foot tall!).


I wonder if they ever dared to tease a short guy in the street. I don’t think they ever would. Just because you are a girl or a woman you will be teased and discriminated against in every sphere of your life. If you have small or big breasts, you will be teased regardless. If you are dark, you will be teased for this. If your scarf is slightly misplaced or you are not wearing one you will be teased. If you’re shorter or taller than the average, you will be teased. If you have a small or big arse, you will be teased. Somehow I have been teased for my hair as well! Are there any guys out there who want to share their stories of being teased for such things?